Ulster Garden Villages Limited (‘The Association’) was established under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act (Northern Ireland) in 1946 with the principal objective of providing good quality housing and associated amenities for the disadvantaged and aged.
Since that time government’s approach to housing has changed dramatically and in Northern Ireland the establishment of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the Housing Association movement has largely catered for housing needs.
In 1983, the Committee of Ulster Garden Villages took the necessary steps to convert the Association into a registered charity and under its amended regulations empowered it to transfer from reserves to a Common Fund amounts to be available for such general charitable purposes, not necessarily connected with housing, as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
Ulster Garden Villages Limited is registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (NIC 101248) and with the Inland Revenue (XN72342).
To read more about our examples of our funded projects and impact - please view our latest Impact report
Housing and Associated Amenities
Ulster Garden Villages was founded over 70 years ago and by March 1950 had built and founded Merville Garden Village, Northern Ireland’s first ‘Garden Village’ with 450 houses, flats and shops and significantly, with Community Centre, Little Theatre and extensive gardens. The Village created a sense of community togetherness and involvement, rather than simply providing houses for those who needed accommodation.
Other developments followed at Abbots Cross, Fernagh in Whiteabbey and at new Garden Villages in Muckamore and Whitehead. Although the Association has sold a significant proportion of the original properties, it continues to manage the estates at Merville, Abbots Cross and provides housing and associated amenities in Newtownabbey, Whitehead and at Garvey Court, Lisburn (a development of apartments for older people).
The Common Fund
In pursuit of Object (c ) the Association primarily allocates funds to or for projects within Northern Ireland which will have a positive impact on Northern Ireland. Funds are not given retrospectively and it is not usual to give grants for office expenses, core salaries or administrative staff salaries.
In addition to outright grants, assistance may be given by way of loans which may carry certain conditions at the discretion of the Committee. The purpose of any application must be charitable and normally the Committee will only consider requests from registered charities.
Applications for grants are made on the Ulster Garden Villages application form and also require applicants to submit their most recent certified accounts. Further information is available in the ‘Guidelines for Applicants’ section of this website and copies of the application form and guidelines are also available from the registered office on request.
To request a copy of The Story of Ulster Garden Villages Ltd – ‘Making a Difference’ publication, Please email admin@ulstergardenvillages.co.uk or telephone the office on T. 02890 491111.
Committee of Management
Mrs Susan Crowe FCA (Chair)
Mr Kevin Baird
Mrs Martie Boyd MBE
Mr Erskine Holmes OBE
Dame Rotha Johnston DBE
Mr Colin Walsh MBE
Mr William Webb MBE
Dr Jenny Pyper
Ms Agnes Crawford
Sir Desmond Lorimer FCA
Mr William Webb MBE
Chief Executive Officer
Mrs Caroline Armstrong
Finance and Property Manager
Mrs Ruth Culbert